Naniwa kagura-dance (浪速神楽)

Naniwa kagura-dance is a kind of Satokagura (kagura performance held somewhere other than the imperial palace) handed down mainly in the Kansai region.

Opinions on Origin
There are two opinions: one is the Yoshida family origin, that the Yoshida family produced 125 works of ancient Shinto music and dancing that became the origin of Naniwa kagura-dance, and the other is the Fushimi Inari-jinja Shrine origin, that 16 forms out of 25 works of Gosho kagura-dance handed down to the shrine are in common with Naniwa kagura-dancing and thus became an origin of Naniwa kagura-dance.

Code of Naniwa kagura-dance
Today, 30 forms of Naniwa kagura-dance remain:
However, according to the family of players, order, dance and the names of the codes are sometimes different.

It is similar to the general shrine maiden costume, however, part corresponding to chihaya (Japanese coat for female priests) is called maiginu (kimono sash) and has no breast cord and when clad, an obi-sash like wide braided cord is tightened. Clothes with gold brocade looks like 'jinbaori' (sleeveless campaign jacket worn over armour) and are called chihaya.

Festivals, etc. where visitors can watch Naniwa kagura-dance
New Year's Day: Saitansai festival (a Shinto ritual to mark the beginning of the New Year, followed by a special sharing of sake (rice wine) in a barrel and mochi (rice cake) at Yagi-jinja Shrine (Kishiwada City)
Jojun (the first 10 days of the month) in March: the Tenma Tenjin Plum Festival at Osaka Tenman-gu Shrine (Kita Ward, Osaka City)
April 4: Kagura Matsuri Festival at Sabi-jinja Shrine (Tondabayashi City)
Gejun (the last 10 days of a month) in September: Gagaku no Yube (Night Gagaku Classical Music Performance) at Ikuta jinja Shrine (Chuo Ward, Kobe City)
Other Regions
November 3: Rei-taisai (regular rites and festivals) at Myogi-jinja Shrine (Tomioka City)

[Original Japanese]